Terms of Service
By joining our studio whether through a membership or through a class, you have agreed to the following conditions for your participation:
Common Clay Space is not responsible for your personal protection against COVID 19.
No refunds will be offered if you decide not to continue your participation in a course at any point after the course has started.
Common Clay Space is not responsible for the safekeeping of personal belongings in the studio. Common Clay Space is not responsible for personal belongings that go missing in the studio.
Common Clay Space is not responsible for damaged clay pieces. All participants acknowledge and accept full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury or harm, or property loss.
Common Clay Space staff may take photos or videos to document courses, workshops, parties or events, and participants must give permission for photographs and/or video to be displayed on promotional media (without name or identification) for Common Clay Space.
Participants in courses/workshops/events and open studio acknowledge and accept full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury or harm, or property loss. Participants agree that neither, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Common Clay Space or its members for any personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
Common Clay Space reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member at its sole discretion, with or without cause, at any time. Termination of membership may occur for reasons including but not limited to violation of studio rules and regulations, disruptive behavior, failure to adhere to payment obligations, or any other conduct deemed detrimental to the studio community or its operations.
In the event of membership termination, Common Clay Space will provide written notice to the affected member specifying the reasons for termination and the effective date thereof. Termination notices may be delivered in person or sent via email or registered mail to the member’s last known address on file.
Upon termination of membership, the member shall forfeit all rights and privileges associated with studio membership, including access to studio facilities and participation in studio activities. Membership fees will not be refunded.